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Work in Progress

She who Pays the Piper Calls the Number: Reparations and Gender Differences in Fertility Choice (with Shay Tsur). 

Draft coming soon. 

​The Nature versus Nurture Debate and the Direct Effect of Parental Influence: Evidence from the Israeli Kibbutz 

(with Avraham Ebenstein, Eric Gould, and Avi Simhon). 

Working Papers

Women's Liberation and the Demographic Transition (with David Weiss and Hosny Zoabi), CEPR DP 16838 (v. 3), under review

Journal Articles

Politics and Gender in the Executive Suite (with Alma Cohen and David Weiss), NBER WP 28893, CEPR DP 14513, Accepted at, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization

Women's Liberation as a Financial InnovationJournal of Finance, Vol. 74, pp. 2915-2956, December 2019. (with David Weiss and Hosny Zoabi).

The Politics of CEOs, Journal of Legal Analysis, Vol. 11, pp. 1-45, 2019. (with Alma Cohen, Roberto Tallarita, and David Weiss).

Why did Rich Families Increase their Fertility? Inequality and Marketization of Child Care. Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 23(4), pp 427-463, December 2018. (with Michael Bar, Oksana Leukhina, David Weiss, and Hosny Zoabi).

Changing the Cost of Children and Fertility: Evidence from the Israeli Kibbutz, The Economic Journal, Vol. 126(597), pp. 2038-2063, November 2016 (with Avraham Ebenstein and Avi Simhon).

Do Highly Educated Women Choose Smaller Families? The Economic Journal, Vol. 125(587), pp. 1191-1226, September 2015 Lead Article (with Hosny Zoabi).

The Baby Boom and World War II: A Macroeconomic AnalysisThe Review of Economic StudiesVol 82(3), pp. 1031-1073, July 2015 (with Matthias Doepke and Yishay D. Maoz).

Sons or Daughters? Sex Preferences and the Reversal of the Gender Educational Gap. Journal of Demographic Economics,  Vol 81(2), pp. 179-201, June 2015 (with Hosny Zoabi).

Life Expectancy and Schooling: New Insights from Cross-Country Data, Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 25, pp. 1237-1248, October 2012.

Women's Lifetime Labor Supply and Labor Market Experience, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 34, pp. 2126-2140, October 2010 (with Yishay D. Maoz).

Longevity and Lifetime Labor Supply: Evidence and Implications, Econometrica, Vol 77, pp. 1829-1863, November 2009.

Does Longevity Cause Growth? A Theoretical Critique, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 11, pp. 363–376, December 2006 (with Hosny Zoabi).

Child Labor, Fertility and Economic GrowthThe ​Economic Journal, Vol. 112, pp. 810-828, October 2002 (with Binyamin Berdugo).

Women's Labor Force Participation and the Dynamics of Tradition, Economics Letters, Vol. 75(2), pp. 193-198, April 2002 (with Yishay D. Maoz).

Book Chapters

​Why is Labor Productivity in Israel so Low? Forthcoming in The Israeli Economy in the Last Twenty Years: Lights and Shadows in a Market Economy, Cambridge University Press (with Shay Tsur). Also, CEPR DP 14011

Book Reviews


Department of Economics, Level 4, Building H, 900 Dandenong Road, Caulfield East VIC 3145, Australia

Email: moshe.hazan(at)

© 2020 by Moshe Hazan

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